Are statins an effective treatment in the prevention of recurrent cancer to improve survival in patients with operable oesophageal adenocarcinoma?

Dr Leo Alexandre (MED), Clinical Lecturer in Gastroenterology at the University of East Anglia, is to hold a series of meetings to refine plans into possible future trials, he says:

“We are planning and will soon be submitting a funding application for a future trial to see if statins are an effective treatment in the prevention of recurrent cancer to improve survival in patients with operable oesophageal adenocarcinoma. We have recently completed a feasibility study at four UK hospitals which has been helpful in confirming that a future trial is possible and it has given us valuable insights into how this study should be carried out. I would like to invite any regional OPA members who are interested to listen to our proposals and help refine our plans further to ensure the study is a success and make sure that we address the issues in such a trial that are important to patients. There are three dates for meetings, held at the Bob Champion Research Building, the big wooden building opposite the A&E department at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The plan is to hold a series of small focus groups (5-6 people each).”

The planned dates are as follows:

  • 24th Feb, room 7 15:30-17:30
  • 27th Feb, room 9 16:00-18:00
  • 3rd March, room 7 14:30-16:30

Below is links to download a research summary and presentation for some background reading. If any OPA members have any feedback for Dr Leo Alexandre for the summary then it would be greatly appreciated. This summary will be assessed by patient representatives and non-specialist reviewers when they apply for funding, so Dr Leo Alexandre is very keen to ensure it is understandable and clear.

If any members would like to attend the focus groups and / or give feedback on the research summary then please e-mail Dr Leo Alexandre on

Download the research summary as a PDF

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The GASTROS study are seeking patients who are willing to take part in an interview about their experiences following surgery for stomach cancer.

“Ultimately, we want to identify the things about surgery for stomach cancer that are most important to patients, so that we can be sure to record them in research aimed at improving the outcome of this surgery. These interviews will form part of a larger research study which aims to place the views of patients at the heart of gastric cancer surgery trials.” Nailah Brown, Coordinator for the GASTROS Study.

Click here for an advert in PDF format which has more details about the project and what it would involve. 

If you would like to take part or more information, please contact at or call on 0161 701 3543. Alternatively you can visit our study website at