Patient Perspective on Quality of Surgery
We have been contacted by the Principle Researcher James Butterworth who is based at Imperial College London, who is urgently in need of volunteers to take part in a research study.
Thank you so much to all of you who have participated in this research project and completed this survey already.
If any of you have not yet completed the survey and would like to partake in this study, please sign a consent form attached below, and then complete the survey using the following link:
Participant Information Sheet
Informed consent Survey
Patient Perspective on Quality of Surgery
If you have any questions or queries, please contact James via email –
James W Butterworth
MBBS BMedSci MSc (Hons) DIC MRCS (Ed)
Clinical Research Fellow
Department of Cancer and Surgery
Imperial College London
If you have previously participated in the February initiative then there is no need to submit again.