Alfred Stokes, aged 11, decided to chose to support the OPA in a school charity event.
“As part of Alfred’s English course, the whole year have been learning about persuasive communication using the AFOREST technique (Alliteration, Facts, Opinions, Rhetorical questions, Emotive language, Statistics and rule of Three). To put this into action the school organised a charity morning where each child ran a stall for a charity of their choice and then communicated why people should donate fictional money to their cause. Alfred chose OPA as his charity after his Grandad had died from Oesophageal Cancer in November 2021. Alfred spent a lot of time reading OPA material, making bookmarks with OPA facts on and OPA bunting, and after a few tears by his Teacher and Mummy during rehearsal of his speech, Alfred was ready to go! Alfred had a great time hooking people in to his stall and articulating why his charity should be supported. At the end of the session and monies counted, of the 66 charities represented Alfred came third! He was so chuffed to have done the charity and his Grandad proud. Although he didn’t win the prize fund for the highest grossing charity, he has said he’d like to donate this weeks pocket money which Dad will top up to OPA. Below is Alfred and his stall.” – Drew Stokes, Alfred’s father.