OPA Helping Research

An online focus group looking at how you would like your child to be treated for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

We are currently working in collaboration with Reckitt Benckiser PLC regarding a funded research study exploring the experiences of parents of infants with symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), or reflux for short.

Study Summary

“What: A 60-minute discussion about your preferences for managing your child’s symptoms of GORD

Where: Zoom

When: To be decided

Will I be reimbursed: Yes, we are providing £60 as a bank transfer for participation in the research.

Who is this for: The research is being conducted on behalf of Reckitt Benckiser Group plc. Anonymised data (without personally identifiable information) will be shared with the funder.

Why are we conducting this research: We wish to better understand how parents of children with symptoms of heartburn and/or indigestion wish for their children to be managed.

What happens if I agree: You will be contacted (via e-mail) by a member of the research team who will provide you with additional information regarding the study, in the form of a participant information sheet. We will also provide you with a consent form. We will do this ahead of the date and time of the focus group, allowing you time to reconsider your participation if you wish. If you choose to take part the focus group will be conducted via Zoom and audio-recorded for later analysis. All responses will be kept confidential and no personally identifying information will be collected as part of the research study. You maintain the right to withdraw from the focus-group at any time.

Please read this document which explains the project in further detail- https://opa.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/PIL-FOCUS-GROUP-PARENTS_v2.pdf

If you wish to be involved in the online focus group, email simon@visfo.health

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