This guideline covers investigating and managing gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and dyspepsia in people aged 18 and over. It aims to improve the treatment of GORD and dyspepsia by making detailed recommendations on Helicobacter pylori eradication, and specifying when to consider laparoscopic fundoplication and referral to specialist services.

Dyspepsia describes a range of symptoms arising from the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but it has no universally accepted definition. The British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) defines dyspepsia as a group of symptoms that alert doctors to consider disease of the upper GI tract, and states that dyspepsia itself is not a diagnosis. These symptoms, which typically are present for 4 weeks or more, include upper abdominal pain or discomfort, heartburn, gastric reflux, nausea or vomiting. In this guideline, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) refers to endoscopically determined oesophagitis or endoscopy-negative reflux disease.

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This information is from NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – Homepage | NICE

“In February 2019, my dad, Rich, was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer. At the time, Dad described it as a “bolt from the blue” and hearing the ‘C’ word (not that one…) felt huge. His main symptom had been hiccups. He’d been going to the doctors for about a year being given various pills and potions to try and get rid of his hiccups before his diagnosis.

Following his diagnosis, and thanks to our wonderful NHS, Dad went through years of chemotherapy, immunotherapy research drug trials, radiotherapy & a huge operation, which gave him a couple of impressive shark-bite style scars. He approached his diagnosis and treatment with a brave, positive mental attitude. He didn’t let it grind him down and he continued to say yes to every opportunity and new experience whilst he could.

We sadly lost Dad in December 2023. He did so well for so long and his positivity was incredible. He was the best Dad and I feel very lucky that we had him in our lives for the time that we did. We are now adjusting to our lives with a dad-shaped hole in it and we miss him beyond belief.

OPA are one of the fantastic charities that helped my Dad and for that, I am very grateful.

My best friend, Faye, and I decided to run the Bristol Half Marathon and thought it would be a good way to raise money for OPA. Together our friends and families managed to raise over £1300 and it was such a great day! We had a picture of my dad on our backs & the support from the crowds and fellow runners (not sure I can call myself that!) was incredible! It was 23° and absolutely sweltering but so worth it!!”

– Rosie Murrell

More images can be found on Rosie’s Gallery Page –

“My name is Ryan and I want to help raise as much money as I possibly can to help the OPA Cancer Charity.

The reason I’m passionate about it is my father was diagnosed with it 13 years ago and due to early diagnosis Mr Grant Fullarton, the consultant he was blessed to be assigned, was able to operate and save his life. He is still alive today thanks to the amazing work done by all supporting this noble cause.

It was a long dark road for my dad and our family and I appreciate other families aren’t so lucky. With more money the OPA can really make a difference to peoples lives.

The OPA does a lot of good work helping families of people who get this horrible killer disease.

Oesophageal is the fastest rising and most under funded cancer type, so lets do our bit to help the cause.

I’m running a charity golf tournament via my work, Aviva, with a raffle of prizes people have kindly  donated to the cause. Aviva will £ match monies raised!

Please, only if you have it, can you help us reach our target of £3k. We have stalled at £660. Your help would be appreciated and for an amazing cause.

The link to donate is below, and if you would like to;
* Donate a gift to be raffled (that would be very helpful)
* want to play in the golf day
Please email me at –

Link to donate straight to the cause- Ryan’s fundraiser for OPA Cancer Charity