A GREAT DAY FOR A NOBLE CAUSE (aka Snowy’s special day)
My name is Ryan McGrory. My dad, Daniel McGrory was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer 13 years ago. He called a family meeting with my mum Margaret, sister Suzanne and brother Adam. Naturally, we were all devasted, and frightened.
In stepped the most wonderful man ever to walk into our families’ lives. Mr Grant Fullarton. He was assigned as consultant to my dad. Grant performed lifesaving surgery, cut the cancer out of his oesophagus and re-attached his oesophagus to his stomach. A very invasive procedure and an incredible feat of achievement. When it comes to oesophageal cancer, we knew the chances of survival were small. Miraculously, Grant’s intervention saved my dads life.
My dad’s key message to everyone reading this:
“It was only the fact I got lucky with an early diagnosis after having real difficulty swallowing that Mr Grant Fullarton my consultant could operate. Most of the time with oesophageal, the cancer is too far progressed to operate. I encourage anyone with difficulty swallowing, a sensation that the food isn’t going down into the stomach, to make an appointment with their GP and speak to them about it. Early diagnosis could just save your life.”
I have many good friends whose family members have not been so lucky. Cancer is an insidious disease that devastates families. All we can do is try to support the people that are working hard every day to not only find a cure, but also to support families dealing with it.
That’s where the Oesophageal Patients Association (OPA) come in. What wonderful work Drew and the whole organisation are doing, dedicating their time and energy to raising funds, placing themselves at the forefront of the battle against oesophageal and gastric cancers. This is noble work that Mr Fullarton told us about. I wanted to help the cause!
I arranged a charity golf day in my work, Aviva, to raise money through the fees to play golf, a raffle and a silent auction of some key items. I was humbled by people’s support. Immediately people started handing me bottles of expensive champagnes, whisky, fancy gins among other thoughtful and wonderful prizes and it was clear how many hearts were being touched.
Other colleagues arranged for things like a signed football top from John Hartson the ex-Celtic player, who signed it himself to raise funds for the OPA. This was sold at silent auction for a lot of money. Celtic Football club donated a football in a beautiful case signed by all the players and manager. Rangers Football Club also got involved, kindly donating a tour of the museum among other incredible things.
We, in Glasgow, are acutely aware of the bitter rivalry between these 2 clubs, so it was humbling to see the dividing wall come tumbling down in the city that we love.
When it comes to the fight against cancer, then, we are all just human beings. The disease does not discriminate by football team, postcode, social standing, financial status, colour, creed or anything else.
Drew at the OPA donated hampers and M&S vouchers & beautiful OPA teddies among lots of other lovely prizes. My health club & gym, David Lloyd, also got involved, donating a free membership, a 4-ball golf day and furnished me with a dozen laminated day passes for me to present to all the key helpers at the golf after dinner speech. My friend donated classes for his Shukokai Karate Club in Glasgow.
My direct and extended family (special mention to my Auntie Betty & Uncle Billy McGraw for their amazing generosity) and friends all made donations to the Just Giving page (link below) I set up to raise even more money and donated wonderful gifts for the raffle. It was like a scene out of a superhero movie!
Cancer Warriors, ASSEMBLE!
The whole golf day was a huge success from start to finish, ending up in ‘The Post’ bar in Calderbank Glasgow that my friend John Hickey arranged (his local!), where we all played pool, danced to music on the juke box and drew the raffle winners. What an amazing night everyone had, along with some touching moments remembering those we have lost to this disease.
The result? – We raised a total of £6185!
At the outset, OPA asked me what my target amount was. I said £2k. To TREBLE this was such an incredible moment. We owe a HUGE THANK YOU to AVIVA… who very kindly £ matched the £3k we raised, helping us to get to the £6k result.
This money will go a long way to helping the OPA in supporting families who are suffering at the hands of this horrible disease. Throughout this journey some people mentioned having had some similar symptoms & they will get checked by their doctor, so we have very importantly raised awareness too.
This has been a one-year long journey I will never forget. We live in a world containing a lot of negativities, where some members of humanity are doing horrible things to one another.
This positive experience gave me some much-needed proof that there is a lot of good in the world. So many good human beings. It was truly uplifting. My family is eternally grateful to Grant and his team that my dad is here to see this, and we say a prayer for those that sadly aren’t. Those that live in our hearts never die.
Thanks everyone, I wish you all good health on your journey, because one thing life has taught me – your health is priceless.
& If you would like to donate to the cause the page is still open! Link:
PS If you were wondering about Snowy’s special day, it’s a children’s story my dad used to read to me when I was a kid, about a wee white rabbit that had the perfect day! This was my perfect day.”