Development of new methods of diagnosing Oesophageal Cancer

Mr M Elniel – Lancaster University


Opportunity to contribute to the development of new methods of diagnosing Oesophageal Cancer


Mr M Elniel is a doctor conducting research at Lancaster University into a new method of diagnosing oesophageal cancer at an early stage by analysing blood, saliva and urine. This study involves patients with newly diagnosed oesophageal cancer to test how accurate their new method of diagnosis is.

To ensure that this study is designed to benefit patients in diagnosing oesophageal cancer early, without causing them undue distress, they would like to hold a series of structured interviews with patients like yourself who have been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in the past 5 years.

They interviewed a selected group which would enable to directly impact how their team’s research will be conducted and may benefit patients with newly diagnosed oesophageal cancer in the future.